Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Hapless Romantic - Intro

Ever since I was a little girl, around 9 or so, I had a passion for writing.  Once I got started the words would take off and evolve and transform into something.  I'm not claiming that the transformed words made sense or were any good but there is this one story I can share.  

Around that young age of 9 I lived in the middle of nowhere.  One day, I decided to walk through the 10 acres of field to the back edge of the property.  I'd never done it before, I'd never been there before and the goldenrod towered well over my head so it was a big adventure for me, scary even.  So I slogged through that thick weed and old rows of a former potato field until I hit the back boundary of the property.  The boundary was a pretty little bubbling brook.  I remember how thrilled I was to get there but was stunned at what I found.  Rusting away in the water was an old car riddled with bullet holes.  This was a really old car, I'd say from the 40s.  A real Bonnie and Clyde type car.  Being 9, the sun getting ready to set and me being near this creepy car riddled with bullet holes, I high-tailed it back to the house where my imagination started to work on what I'd seen.  Were there remains of dead bodies down there?  What happened?  What were the crimes that lead to the shoot-out!??  Now being 9 I didn't realize that what really was the case is that someone dumped a piece of shit car down in the creek for target practice...  but at 9 years old...  well let's just say that notion never crossed my mind.  I was convinced that there was a story, and there was...  the one that I made up.  And as I crafted this masterpiece of which I have no copy or memory of except it existed, the story got creepier.  If there were dead bodies...  I bet there were ghosts too...  

Just about the time I finished my story, I had a slumber party with about 6 girls.  My mother had gotten hold of my story somehow and encouraged me to share it with the girls.  So I did, in my creepiest campfire story voice read the story of the couple of lovebirds that got on the wrong side of the law and ended up on my property and were now ghosts.  Well, the story scared the shit out of my little girlfriends, to the point where one called her mother to come get her because she was so scared.  

My writing debut.  What I wouldn't give to see what me at 9 wrote, how it was composed and constructed and what I was thinking.  But alas, it's gone forever except for the faint memory of this story.  So here I am, 34 years later, taking up the pen so to speak and trying to recapture that little girl’s passion for writing...  I hope it's not too late.

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